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Thống kê
Size | Level Required | XP Gain | Cost | Cost 2 | Cost 3 | Cost 4 | Cost 5 | Type | Moveable | Slots Cost | Slots Cost 2 | Slots Cost 3 | Slots Cost 4 | Slots Cost 5 | Slots Cost 6 | Slots Cost 7 | Slots Cost 8 | Slots Cost 9 | Sells for |
3x3 | Level 4 | Varies | 1,000 Coins | 14,000 Coins | 42,000 Coins | 126,000 Coins | 378,000 Coins | Production | Yes | Free | Free | Free | 17 Diamonds | 25 Diamonds | 35 Diamonds | 46 Diamonds | 58 Diamonds | 73 Diamonds | 500 - 189,000 Coins |

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Tiểu sử
Something smells scrumptious! Monsters are sweet on treats from the Bakery.
Something smells scrumptious! Monsters are sweet on treats from the Bakery.
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