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Icon | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Price | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
Level 9 | 4 | 3x3 | 750 diamonds | 375 shards | 200,000 XP | Gorl'omyth
Zhojurrn |
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Fluoress & Larvaluss
Theremind & Mushaboom
Floot Fly & G'Day
Clackula & Frondley
Lower chances of success:
Déjà-Jin & Roarick
Xyster & Knucklehead
Cahoot & Osstax
Best combo, when common and Rare monster obtained:
Enchantling & Rare Enchantling
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If Enchantler is the Titan-Who-Would-Be-Colossal, then Enchantling is the Monster-Who-Would-Be-Titan! Although there are other instances of Titans starting life in a miniaturized form, the exact nature of the relationship between these two entities remains a mystery. Some have suggested that the Enchantling taps into the same Monstromantic energies coursing through its namesake's antlers to transfigure itself into a shape more akin to that of Enchantler. The evidence that one has an effect on the other is incontrovertible, as the entire Sanctum seemed to light up when it first made its appearance and sang forth its exuberant song.
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Diễn viên lồng tiếng
Dan Rickard
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