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Icon | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Monster Family | Price | Price 2 | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
Level 9 | 3 | 2x2 | Playbackyderms | 225 diamonds | 500 diamonds (Mythical Island) | 168,750 coins | 110,000 XP | Ambassea
Snoozalooz |
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Fire Oasis: Congle & Woolabee
Mythical Island: Cataliszt & Cherubble
Best combo on Mythical, when common and Rare monster obtained:
Cherubble & Rare Cherubble
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The amphibious Cherubble and its Blubberfly buddies are no strangers to thew notion of dreams - the Monster itself is almost constantly asleep, lulled to rest by the playing of its agile accomplices. A common ancestor of other playbackyderms like Woolabee and Peckidna, this Mythical Monster originates from the vibrant and bustling coral reefs of the Monster World. The anatomical features of the Cherubble are diverse and highly-specialized: elongated cerata on its back that stretch out to form the Monster's instrument; rhinophores perched atop its head that can project parts of its dreams onto reality; and so-called 'charms' which are the physical byproduct of manifested dreams that have settled on its hide. Summoned to the surface by the Fire Oasis song, it has designated itself the official ambassador of the living ocean, cementing the glass-blown island as a welcome and permanent fixture among the waves.
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Sound library: EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Harp Diamond
SoundFonts: Harp Pluck Long and Harp Angels Bisbiglinado MOD
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