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Thống kê

Icon (Adult)
Level available
Price 2
Sells for
Teleporting time
Teleport level
Default Monster Names
Level 9
600 Diamonds (Continent)
3,660 Diamonds (Cave)
1,455 Coins
40 hours
Level 20 (Cave)
Biiki Dalagmite Escargoon Kanaloa Lono Nahoa Natiku Slimeba Tsukasha Xibalba Yamookah

Kết hợp sinh sản

Bắt đầu bằng những sự kết hợp tốt nhất và kết thúc bằng những sự kết hợp tệ nhất.

Kayna & Thumpies
Mammott & Barrb
Potbelly & Woolabee
Tweedle & Sooza
Best combination once obtained:
Yelmut & Kayna

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Được sử dụng trong chăn nuôi

[Sụp đổ]
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Được nuôi dưỡng với

Tên quái vật
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Monster name

Thời gian sinh sản

Thời gian sinh sản 2

Tiểu sử

Đang tải Tiêu đề

Đang tải Tiểu sử

Đang tải Tiêu đề

Đang tải Tiểu sử

1: [Young]
The Yelmut has fondness for a great many things. Topmost is its yodeling prowess, though its decorative headgear is a close second. Please don't call it a hat; it's a very touchy subject.
2: [Adult]
Having never taken it off, the adult Yelmut has grown into its ha-... I mean, decorative headgear, now weather-beaten and embellished with exotic designs. Its massive mouth carries its song far and wide... and with such intensity, its decorative headgear is in danger of being displaced!
3: [Prismatic]
This Yelmut returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Having accepted the fact that its headgear will forever be mistaken for a hat, the now shaggy and grub-like Monster took advantage of the molecule-bending properties of the alien dimension and converted it into a stylish eggshell covering - extraordinary!

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Tất cả âm thanh quái vật

Diễn viên lồng tiếng

Erick Desjardins

Dụng cụ


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