
Time Limit:

June: Mettle Gears


Thống kê
Icon | Level available | Constellation | Constellation Image | Size | Price | Sells for | Default Monster Names |
Level 2 | June: Mettle Gears | 2x2 | 1,250 Diamonds | 10,086 Coins | Barokk
Zimbelstern |

Kết hợp sinh sản
Bắt đầu bằng những sự kết hợp tốt nhất và kết thúc bằng những sự kết hợp tệ nhất.

Được sử dụng trong chăn nuôi

Tiểu sử
After eons spent as a sentient, though incorporeal, mass of energy, the Vhamp finally got itself together – quite literally – and constructed its own physical form from random detritus scattered about the universe. More self-assembled than self-actualized, the Vhamp nonetheless seeks to discover its true self through musical experimentation and purposeful self-reflection. With its pipes, gears, bellows, and levers, the Vhamp is an extraordinary aggregate of basic parts working in complex harmony. It exhibits a steady tempo, smooth airflow dynamics, and wobbly suspension.
After eons spent as a sentient, though incorporeal, mass of energy, the Vhamp finally got itself together – quite literally – and constructed its own physical form from random detritus scattered about the universe. More self-assembled than self-actualized, the Vhamp nonetheless seeks to discover its true self through musical experimentation and purposeful self-reflection. With its pipes, gears, bellows, and levers, the Vhamp is an extraordinary aggregate of basic parts working in complex harmony. It exhibits a steady tempo, smooth airflow dynamics, and wobbly suspension.

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Tất cả âm thanh quái vật
Diễn viên lồng tiếng
Dụng cụ
VST: HALion 6
Sound library: HS2 Combis
SoundFont: Sahara Dream

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