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Hoạt động.png
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Trợ giúp.png

Thống kê

Icon (Adult)
Level available
Price 2
Price 3
Sells for
Teleporting time
Teleporting time 2
Teleport level
Teleport level 2
Default Monster Names
Level 7
120 Diamonds (Continent)
120 Diamonds (Party)
440 Diamonds (Cloud)
379 Coins
10 hours
5 minutes (Party)
Level 5 (Party)
Level 15 (Cloud)
Arlo Barkley Eldritch Grover Grumples Harold Knotty Orrick Pomona Redlin Rooty Sapps Shoob Sloar Timbre Whittler

Kết hợp sinh sản

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Potbelly & Toe Jammer

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_ Quint.png
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Được sử dụng trong chăn nuôi

[Sụp đổ]
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Được nuôi dưỡng với

Tên quái vật
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Monster name

Thời gian sinh sản

Thời gian sinh sản 2

Tiểu sử

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Đang tải Tiểu sử

Đang tải Tiêu đề

Đang tải Tiểu sử

1: [Young]
An Oaktopus sapling is especially sprightly, zipping about on supple tentacles. It spends plenty of time in the water, buoyed by a crown of algae-like bubbles. This dearie loves polished stones; it's fortunate it doesn't have a nose to put them in!
2: [Adult]
A respected forest elder, the Oaktopus need only occasionally dip tentacles in a pond for refreshment. Its once tender foliage has toughened, and it can remain earthbound indefinitely. Still, it leads a balanced lifestyle and enjoys the best of both worlds.
3: [Prismatic]
This Oaktopus returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! If you thought that this Monster's powerful tentacles were well-suited to propel it through water before its alteration at the molecular level, its new gills and other hydrodynamic features cement its place as an aquatic creature - extraordinary!

Mảnh vỡ lăng kính.png

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Tất cả âm thanh quái vật

Diễn viên lồng tiếng

Matthew J. Stewart

Dụng cụ


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