
Time Limit:

July: Immortal Jolt


Thống kê
Icon | Level available | Constellation | Constellation Image | Size | Price | Sells for | Default Monster Names |
Level 2 | July: Immortal Jolt | 2x2 | 1,250 Diamonds | 10,086 Coins | Ampool
Xobbuw |

Kết hợp sinh sản
Bắt đầu bằng những sự kết hợp tốt nhất và kết thúc bằng những sự kết hợp tệ nhất.

Được sử dụng trong chăn nuôi

Tiểu sử
The de facto conductor of the celestials (in more ways than one), the Galvana takes a keen interest in the goings on the monster world below. Its staff represents leadership and guidance, and it's said that it even possesses the power to inspire and create life. This monster being harnesses the energies of its fellow Monsters, galvanizing their frequencies and redirecting them out into the universe so that all may hear their song. The Galvana crackles with musical genius and bolts of tireless energy.
The de facto conductor of the celestials (in more ways than one), the Galvana takes a keen interest in the goings on the monster world below. Its staff represents leadership and guidance, and it's said that it even possesses the power to inspire and create life. This monster being harnesses the energies of its fellow Monsters, galvanizing their frequencies and redirecting them out into the universe so that all may hear their song. The Galvana crackles with musical genius and bolts of tireless energy.

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