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Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 9 | 5 | 2x2 | 1,000 Diamonds (Continent) | 3,630 Diamonds (Cloud) | 2,903 Coins | 80 hours | Level 15 (Cloud) | Boom Boom
Wylson |
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Noggin & Yelmut
Kayna & Quarrister
Mammott & Tring
Potbelly & Krillby
Tweedle & PongPing
Best combination once obtained:
Drummidary & Noggin
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1: [Young]
It’s obvious from the moment it hatches - sporting its very own training wheels, no less - that the Drummidary is going places: probably not to drag races, mind you, but going places. For one so young, this little drummer has a weighty responsibility, for its thrumming motivates the musical troupe. Its wee bitty front chaws are less pinchy than they are soft and spongy, as it grasps its pals’ toesies when they pass by and give them an affectionate squeeze.
2: [Adult]
The adult four-humped Drummidary sports a reciprocating drum kit on its back, and a coiffure resembling julienned carrots [though one mustn’t make the mistake of helping oneself to a snack: that isn’t blue cheese dip in those drums!]. Being composed of so many diverse elements give it a well-rounded sound that resonates with monsters of all kinds.
3: [Prismatic]
This Drummidary returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! The Earth Quint's intelligence has been decentralized into four separate 'pilots' controlling an organic puppet! These diminutive zoeae work in tandem to operate four Air-powered pneumatic drum chambers mounted on the puppet's back - extraordinary!
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Dụng cụ
Taiko Drum
VST: HALion 6
Sound library: World Percussion
SoundFont: The C3 and D3 notes from the "Taiko Drums - 099" preset
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