
Breed Time:

12 hours


Thống kê
Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 9 | 3 | 2x2 | 200 Diamonds (Continent) | 645 Diamonds (Space) | 743 Coins | 20 hours | Level 10 (Space) | Alger
Xander |

Kết hợp sinh sản
Bắt đầu bằng những sự kết hợp tốt nhất và kết thúc bằng những sự kết hợp tệ nhất.
Mammott & Quibble
Toe Jammer & Pango
Tweedle & Maw
Best combination once obtained:
Congle & Mammott

Mammott & Quibble

Toe Jammer & Pango

Tweedle & Maw

Best combination once obtained:

Congle & Mammott

Được sử dụng trong chăn nuôi

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2
Tiểu sử
A Congle youngling - or ‘Congling’ as it is sometimes affectionately called - must be the happiest monster around. Look how it sways to the music with nary a care in the world! Both bow-legged and duck-footed - far easier to play its eggshell drum that way - the Congle is nonetheless sure-footed as it keeps time with its monster friends. Puckish and affectionate, cuddly Congle is largely a rascal and would happily drum 140 beats-per-minute for a slice of pistachio-licorice pie.
The mature Congle is enthralled with the idea of using one object in diverse ways, hence the continued use of its eggshell drum. Another example: hidden by its drum most of the time, a Congle's tummy is inconceivably soft. It makes a great pillow for when other Monsters need a quick nap, and it's always more than happy to oblige. When the drum invariably wears out from so much use, it gets upcycled into a snazzy ottoman of decorative planter.
This Congle returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! The Monster's body plan has been entirely reversed, with an oversized head replacing its drum, and a tangle of limbs taking the place of its arms and legs - extraordinary!
1: [Young]
A Congle youngling - or ‘Congling’ as it is sometimes affectionately called - must be the happiest monster around. Look how it sways to the music with nary a care in the world! Both bow-legged and duck-footed - far easier to play its eggshell drum that way - the Congle is nonetheless sure-footed as it keeps time with its monster friends. Puckish and affectionate, cuddly Congle is largely a rascal and would happily drum 140 beats-per-minute for a slice of pistachio-licorice pie.
2: [Adult]
The mature Congle is enthralled with the idea of using one object in diverse ways, hence the continued use of its eggshell drum. Another example: hidden by its drum most of the time, a Congle's tummy is inconceivably soft. It makes a great pillow for when other Monsters need a quick nap, and it's always more than happy to oblige. When the drum invariably wears out from so much use, it gets upcycled into a snazzy ottoman of decorative planter.
3: [Prismatic]
This Congle returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! The Monster's body plan has been entirely reversed, with an oversized head replacing its drum, and a tangle of limbs taking the place of its arms and legs - extraordinary!

Lăng kính

Blue (14 hours)
30% chance

Yellow (20 hours)
2% chance

Purple (15 hours)
25% chance

Green (16 hours)
20% chance

Orange (18 hours)
15% chance

Red (19 hours)
8% chance

Tất cả âm thanh quái vật
Diễn viên lồng tiếng
Dụng cụ
Conga Drum/Djembe
VST: Kontakt
Sound library: West Africa
SoundFont: Djembe 5

Trang phục

Congle (Eggs-Travaganza Junior exclusive)


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