
Breed Time:

24 hours


Thống kê
Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Size 2 | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 9 | 4 | 2x2 (Young) | 3x3 (Adult) | 600 Diamonds (Continent) | 5,490 Diamonds (Cave) | 1,463 Coins | 40 hours | Level 20 (Cave) | Biggy & Smol
Bumple & Bracket
Dubble & Trubble
Garrf & Unkel
Mith & Fabyl
Snorpodon |

Kết hợp sinh sản
Bắt đầu bằng những sự kết hợp tốt nhất và kết thúc bằng những sự kết hợp tệ nhất.
Kayna & Spunge
Toe Jammer & Barrb
Potbelly & Whaddle
Tweedle & Rootitoot
Best combination once obtained:
Bisonorus & Kayna

Kayna & Spunge

Toe Jammer & Barrb

Potbelly & Whaddle

Tweedle & Rootitoot

Best combination once obtained:

Bisonorus & Kayna

Được sử dụng trong chăn nuôi

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2
Tiểu sử
Think these contrasting compatriots are on opposite ends of the gene pool? Think again! The Bisonorus is, in fact, two bonded Monsters of the same species but different castes. At birth, the pampered Emperor Bisonorus perches atop the rounded dome of an eager-to-please Standard Bisonorus, where it will spend the rest of its days. Despite this inherited hierarchy, the Emperor Bisonorus prefers giving head scratches to giving orders.
Strengthening the ties of their kinship with age, the Emperor and Standard Bisonorus now prefer to make decisions by committee - even if it’s a committee of two! All choices are subject to a vote, from their lunch menu to their weekend plans. In the event of a deadlock, the Bisonorus simply plays a high-stakes game of Earth-Paper-Scissors. Interestingly, the Emperor's luck never seems to run out...
This Bisonorus returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! In addition to some adaptations for paddling through murky subterranean pools, the molecular alteration also body-swapped the consciousnesses of the Standard and Emperor Bisonorus, undoubtedly leading to hijinks the likes of which have never been seen before - extraordinary!
1: [Young]
Think these contrasting compatriots are on opposite ends of the gene pool? Think again! The Bisonorus is, in fact, two bonded Monsters of the same species but different castes. At birth, the pampered Emperor Bisonorus perches atop the rounded dome of an eager-to-please Standard Bisonorus, where it will spend the rest of its days. Despite this inherited hierarchy, the Emperor Bisonorus prefers giving head scratches to giving orders.
2: [Adult]
Strengthening the ties of their kinship with age, the Emperor and Standard Bisonorus now prefer to make decisions by committee - even if it’s a committee of two! All choices are subject to a vote, from their lunch menu to their weekend plans. In the event of a deadlock, the Bisonorus simply plays a high-stakes game of Earth-Paper-Scissors. Interestingly, the Emperor's luck never seems to run out...
3: [Prismatic]
This Bisonorus returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! In addition to some adaptations for paddling through murky subterranean pools, the molecular alteration also body-swapped the consciousnesses of the Standard and Emperor Bisonorus, undoubtedly leading to hijinks the likes of which have never been seen before - extraordinary!

Lăng kính

Yellow (16 hours)
% chance

Red (22 hours)
2% chance

Blue (17 hours)
25% chance

Orange (18 hours)
20% chance

Purple (20 hours)
15% chance

Green (21 hours)
8% chance

Tất cả âm thanh quái vật
Diễn viên lồng tiếng
Dụng cụ

Trang phục

Bisonorus (Season of Love Junior exclusive)


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