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Thống kê

Icon (Adult)
Level available
Price 2
Sells for
Teleporting time
Teleport level
Default Monster Names
Level 9
200 Diamonds (Continent)
1,730 Diamonds (Cave)
735 Coins
20 hours
Level 20 (Cave)
Brambella Brier Burrt Cacta Nettie Prongle Quilly Spike Spurcle Thistler

Kết hợp sinh sản

Bắt đầu bằng những sự kết hợp tốt nhất và kết thúc bằng những sự kết hợp tệ nhất.

Kayna & Dandidoo
Potbelly & Glowl
Tweedle & Flowah
Best combination once obtained:
Barrb & Kayna

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Được sử dụng trong chăn nuôi

[Sụp đổ]
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Được nuôi dưỡng với

Tên quái vật
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Monster name

Thời gian sinh sản

Thời gian sinh sản 2

Tiểu sử

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Đang tải Tiêu đề

Đang tải Tiểu sử

1: [Young]
Even as seedlings, Barrbs are a teensy bit prickly. What with their burs and thorns. Yet, for all their surface thistles they remain soft, sappy souls that feel emotions all the way down to their roots. A Barrb's song is a scratchy, catchy one and is sung with wisdom far beyond its tender years. Barrbs are prone to hiccups and fits of the giggles, often at the same time.
2: [Adult]
Native to arid climes, the prickly Barrb has a raspy singing voice that evolved due to its dry ancestral homeland. It stores water in its fleshy tissues giving it a bloated appearance, while its burs attach themselves to unsuspecting monsters passing by. Hence, Barrbs get very attached to others- literally! They try to keep a polite distance for fear of matting up their chums' luxurious fur.
3: [Prismatic]
This Barrb returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! The transformative power of the dimension beyond has distilled the Monster's essence down to a primordal gel, draining the body of color and leaving it as little more than a marionette to be manipulated by the puppeteer perched up top - extraordinary!

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Sarah Parsons

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