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Fire Haven


Thống kê

Island Species
Island Icon
Level Available
Colossal (Dulcettéa)
Fire Island
140 BPM
Level 9
Earth Island
500,000 coins
bỏ tiếng.png

Bài hát đầy đủ

Được sáng tác bởi

Dave Kerr,
Christopher Pollard (Gobbleygourd, Dipsters),
Sam Clark (Rare Wubbox),
Tom Meikle (Buzzinga)

Tiểu sử

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Đang tải Tiêu đề

Đang tải Tiểu sử

A long time ago, when the Continent broke apart, the guiding magic of the Colossals rescued the 5 Elemental Lands and transformed them into the Natural Islands we know today. However, it was long believed that the first and most powerful Element, Fire, had been lost in the cataclysm... Fire Haven unquestionably proves otherwise! Species that had not been seen or heard since the Dawn of Fire were simply hiding out in the living core of the Monster World. Now, they welcome their old companions to their sanctuary to swap stories, learn new songs, and revel in their reunion. Long live Fire!



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