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Level 9

Monster Scareglowls

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Size | Level Available | Sells for | Sells for 2 | Price | Price 2 | XP Gain | Type | Seasonal Event available in |
2x2 | Level 9 | 937,500 coins | 1,875 shards | 1,250,000 coins | 2,500 shards | 15,000 XP | Seasonal | Feast-Ember |
Tiểu sử
Despite their name, Scareglowls actually attract Glowls, not drive them away! The Fire Monsters will spot them from on high and swoop down to try and make conversation, only to discover that the prospective conversationalists are stuffed with hay.
Despite their name, Scareglowls actually attract Glowls, not drive them away! The Fire Monsters will spot them from on high and swoop down to try and make conversation, only to discover that the prospective conversationalists are stuffed with hay.

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