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Level 9

Creepy Cauldron

Thống kê
Size | Level Available | Sells for | Sells for 2 | Price | Price 2 | XP Gain | Type | Seasonal Event available in |
2x2 | Level 9 | 937,500 coins | 1,875 shards | 1,250,000 coins | 2,500 shards | 15,000 XP | Seasonal | Spooktacle |
Tiểu sử
This Spooktacular item is perfect for brewing potent potions and mysterious mixtures. We thought that those were bundles of wheat behind it - but maybe they're the shed silks of the Rare Oaktopus? It is a mad scientist, after all.
This Spooktacular item is perfect for brewing potent potions and mysterious mixtures. We thought that those were bundles of wheat behind it - but maybe they're the shed silks of the Rare Oaktopus? It is a mad scientist, after all.

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