

Breed Time:

48 hours


Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Size 2 | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 9 | 5 | 2x2 (Young) | 3x3 (Adult) | 1,000 Diamonds (Continent) | 3,630 Diamonds (Cloud) | 2,903 Coins | 80 hours | Level 15 (Cloud) | Bridjuz
Uli |

Üreme Kombinasyonları
Kullanılabilecek en iyi kombinasyonlarla başlanır ve en kötü kombinasyonlarla son bulur.
Sneyser & Noggin
Riff & Kayna
Flum Ox & Mammott
Krillby & Toe Jammer
Tiawa & Tweedle
Best combination once obtained:
Tuskski & Noggin

Sneyser & Noggin

Riff & Kayna

Flum Ox & Mammott

Krillby & Toe Jammer

Tiawa & Tweedle

Best combination once obtained:

Tuskski & Noggin

Yetiştirmede Kullanılır

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2
The Tuskski calf is full of wonder about the world around it... but this can sometimes lead the Quint to entangle itself (and its trunks) into sticky situations. Don't get us wrong, it's a good Mon'... and thorough. But when it focuses too much on satisfying its own curiosity and doesn't fully consider the limitations of itself or the situation, it can cause frustration in its fellow Monsters, who cry out "Forget it, Tuskski, you're out of your element!"
Once it's grown up into the 'Big' Tuskski, this monster has suitably mellowed out. It abides by a simple philosophy to be kind to others, and to pay compliments whenever possible (example: "Nice Mammott"). It's this level-headed attitude that makes the Monster so revered, and all Cold Elementals look forward to hearing the Quint's trumpeting join in - it can really tie an Island together.
This Tuskski returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Gone are its fluffy coat and snowy slopes, better suited to chilly Cold. Prismatic Tuskski instead appears to have undergone a molecular alteration to adapt to rough and rocky Earthen terrain, sprouting jagged boulders and mountains of minerals from atop its back - extraordinary!
1: [Young]
The Tuskski calf is full of wonder about the world around it... but this can sometimes lead the Quint to entangle itself (and its trunks) into sticky situations. Don't get us wrong, it's a good Mon'... and thorough. But when it focuses too much on satisfying its own curiosity and doesn't fully consider the limitations of itself or the situation, it can cause frustration in its fellow Monsters, who cry out "Forget it, Tuskski, you're out of your element!"
2: [Adult]
Once it's grown up into the 'Big' Tuskski, this monster has suitably mellowed out. It abides by a simple philosophy to be kind to others, and to pay compliments whenever possible (example: "Nice Mammott"). It's this level-headed attitude that makes the Monster so revered, and all Cold Elementals look forward to hearing the Quint's trumpeting join in - it can really tie an Island together.
3: [Prismatic]
This Tuskski returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Gone are its fluffy coat and snowy slopes, better suited to chilly Cold. Prismatic Tuskski instead appears to have undergone a molecular alteration to adapt to rough and rocky Earthen terrain, sprouting jagged boulders and mountains of minerals from atop its back - extraordinary!


Yellow (18 hours)
30% chance

Green (24 hours)
2% chance

Orange (19 hours)
25% chance

Red (20 hours)
20% chance

Purple (22 hours)
15% chance

Blue (23 hours)
8% chance

Tüm Canavar Sesleri
Seslendirme Sanatçısı
Long Notes
Articulations: Slide Oct UP, Slide Oct DN and Sus Vib
Staccato Notes
Articulation: Stac


Tuskski (SummerSong Junior exclusive)

