
Breed Time:

48 hours


Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Price | Price 2 | Price 3 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleporting time 2 | Teleport level | Teleport level 2 | Default Monster Names |
Level 9 | 5 | 2x2 | 1,000 Diamonds (Continent) | 1,060 Diamonds (Party) | 1,940 Diamonds (Space) | 2,903 Coins | 80 hours | 5 minutes (Party) | Level 5 (Party) | Level 10 (Space) | Beaca
Wick |

Üreme Kombinasyonları
Kullanılabilecek en iyi kombinasyonlarla başlanır ve en kötü kombinasyonlarla son bulur.
Noggin & Bisonorus
Kayna & Shellbeat
Toe Jammer & Tring
Potbelly & Flum Ox
Tweedle & Edamimi
Best combination once obtained:
Candelavra & Noggin

Noggin & Bisonorus

Kayna & Shellbeat

Toe Jammer & Tring

Potbelly & Flum Ox

Tweedle & Edamimi

Best combination once obtained:

Candelavra & Noggin

Yetiştirmede Kullanılır

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2
The prestige of being imbued with five Elements makes the Candelavra youngling prone to self-engrossment. It is anxious to share its talents with other Monsters, who good-naturedly tolerate the Candelavra's brazen vocal displays. However, it's important for this Quint-Element to learn the age-old adage that a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
Its youthful vanity a thing of the past, the mature Candelavra is a wonderful role model for monsters just about any elemental affiliation. It is a source of great inspiration, and selflessly devotes its time to lifting the spirits and song of its fellow performers. So long as its flame burns bright, hope can never be extinguished in the Monster World.
This Candelavra returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Instead of its typical Fire-centric appearance, it has altered at the molecular level to exhibit Water-based phenotypes like curious shells and copious tentacles - extraordinary!
1: [Young]
The prestige of being imbued with five Elements makes the Candelavra youngling prone to self-engrossment. It is anxious to share its talents with other Monsters, who good-naturedly tolerate the Candelavra's brazen vocal displays. However, it's important for this Quint-Element to learn the age-old adage that a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
2: [Adult]
Its youthful vanity a thing of the past, the mature Candelavra is a wonderful role model for monsters just about any elemental affiliation. It is a source of great inspiration, and selflessly devotes its time to lifting the spirits and song of its fellow performers. So long as its flame burns bright, hope can never be extinguished in the Monster World.
3: [Prismatic]
This Candelavra returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Instead of its typical Fire-centric appearance, it has altered at the molecular level to exhibit Water-based phenotypes like curious shells and copious tentacles - extraordinary!


Green (18 hours)
30% chance

Yellow (24 hours)
% chance

Blue (19 hours)
25% chance

Purple (20 hours)
20% chance

Red (22 hours)
15% chance

Orange (23 hours)
8% chance

Tüm Canavar Sesleri
Seslendirme Sanatçısı
VST: Kontakt
Sound library: Kontakt Factory Library 1/2
Path: Choir > 3 - Choir


Candelavra (Spooktacle Junior exclusive)

