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Level 9

Makeshift Altar

Size | Level Available | Sells for | Sells for 2 | Price | Price 2 | XP Gain | Type | Seasonal Event available in |
2x2 | Level 9 | 937,500 coins | 1,875 shards | 1,250,000 coins | 2,500 shards | 15,000 XP | Seasonal | Beat Hereafter |
This candelit [sic] altar holds drawings and keepsakes of lost loved ones. Full-scale ofrendas typically consist of 3 tiers, but the Monsters are hoping that the aroma of the cemasúchil adorning this makeshift display will be enough to draw the spirit back to the land of the livings.
This candelit [sic] altar holds drawings and keepsakes of lost loved ones. Full-scale ofrendas typically consist of 3 tiers, but the Monsters are hoping that the aroma of the cemasúchil adorning this makeshift display will be enough to draw the spirit back to the land of the livings.

Bunu Seven Canavarlar

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