Icon | Synthesis Time (Workshop) | Failed Synthesis Time (Workshop) | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Monster Family | Price | Price 2 | Synthesis Price | Harmonization Price | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
1 day, 18 hours | 17 hours | Level 19 | 20 | 3x3 | Gaba-ghouls | 3,000 diamonds (Workshop) | 4,000 diamonds (Plasma) | 5,000 shards (Workshop) | 8,000 shards | 750 shards | 750,000 XP | Astraliye
Supurpod |

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Ethereal Workshop

Ethereal Workshop

Plasma Islet

Plasma Islet

Plasma Islet

Ethereal Workshop

Тайна Лайков

Ethereal Workshop

Plasma Islet

Монстры, которым это нравится

Plasma Islet

Plasma Islet

Plasma Islet

Plasma Islet

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Some Ethereals prefer to whisper, while others favor wailing. The Quad-Element Whaill is the latter, so-named for the ululations that gurgle forth from its many mouths. Although at first blush these sounds seem melodious, over time they can elicit feelings of dread and disorientation in the listener. That's because the sound waves the Whaill produces actually begin to tear apart the fabric of space time and threaten to expose reality to the Rift, the world between worlds. But how can the polystomatous Plasma Boss help it? When you have hands for mouths and mouths for hands, there's little else that you can do but wail.
Some Ethereals prefer to whisper, while others favor wailing. The Quad-Element Whaill is the latter, so-named for the ululations that gurgle forth from its many mouths. Although at first blush these sounds seem melodious, over time they can elicit feelings of dread and disorientation in the listener. That's because the sound waves the Whaill produces actually begin to tear apart the fabric of space time and threaten to expose reality to the Rift, the world between worlds. But how can the polystomatous Plasma Boss help it? When you have hands for mouths and mouths for hands, there's little else that you can do but wail.

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Актер озвучивания
Maggie Park, Dave Kerr


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