
Epic (Natural)

Breed Time:

1 day, 1 hour
Enhanced Breed Time:

18 hours, 45 minutes

Epic Glowl

Icon | Crucible Evolution Time Success | Crucible Evolution Time Failure | Crucible Evolution Time Failure | Crucible Evolution Time Skin Boost Success | Crucible Evolution Time Skin Boost Failure | Crucible Evolution Time Skin Boost Failure | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | A Group Of This Monster Is Called | Price | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
1 day, 1 hour | Common: 5 hours | Rare: 6 hours, 45 minutes | 22 hours, 30 minutes | Common: 4 hours, 30 minutes | Rare: 6 hours, 4 minutes, 30 seconds | Level 9 | 2 | 2x2 | Flare | 500 diamonds | 375,000 coins | 5,000 XP | Amontill
Valdemar |

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Sporting bright, complex colors, the Common Glowl is mostly diurnal and prefers to fly by the light of the sun. By contrast, the Epic Glowl (known in some circles by its other name, the Glorvid) fully embraces the darkness. Though this raven-like Monster has muted colors and fearsome features on the outside, Epic Glowl's personality still shines brightly on the inside. Perhaps its hybrid bird and bat wings help it to sympathize with the Epic Tweedle? Soaring through the night sky, this Fire Epic is guaranteed to come gently rapping at your chamber door, causing your foot to start gently tapping on your chamber floor… all to make sure that it doesn't miss out on any of the bountiful harvest! Quoth the Epic Glowl, "Gimme more!"
Sporting bright, complex colors, the Common Glowl is mostly diurnal and prefers to fly by the light of the sun. By contrast, the Epic Glowl (known in some circles by its other name, the Glorvid) fully embraces the darkness. Though this raven-like Monster has muted colors and fearsome features on the outside, Epic Glowl's personality still shines brightly on the inside. Perhaps its hybrid bird and bat wings help it to sympathize with the Epic Tweedle? Soaring through the night sky, this Fire Epic is guaranteed to come gently rapping at your chamber door, causing your foot to start gently tapping on your chamber floor… all to make sure that it doesn't miss out on any of the bountiful harvest! Quoth the Epic Glowl, "Gimme more!"

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Актер озвучивания
Sarah Parsons


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