
Rare (Natural)
Breed Time:

1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time:

19 hours, 52 minutes, 30 seconds

Rare Thrumble

Icon | Crucible Evolution Time Success | Crucible Evolution Time Failure | Crucible Evolution Time Skin Boost Success | Crucible Evolution Time Skin Boost Failure | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Price | Price 2 | Sells For | Sells For 2 | Xp Gain | Default Names |
1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes | 10 hours | 23 hours, 51 minutes | 9 hours | Level 9 | 3 | 2x2 | 500 diamonds | 2,500 starpower | 375,000 coins | 15 relics (Amber Island) | 18,000 XP | Augusteen
Teeamat |

Combinações de reprodução
Começa com as melhores combinações a serem usadas e termina com as piores.
Plinkajou & Thrumble
Fwog & Kayna
Stogg & Toe Jammer
Phangler & Noggin
Best combo, when common and Rare monster obtained:
Thrumble & Rare Thrumble

Plinkajou & Thrumble

Fwog & Kayna

Stogg & Toe Jammer

Phangler & Noggin

Best combo, when common and Rare monster obtained:

Thrumble & Rare Thrumble

Usado na reprodução

Bred with
Breed Time: 20 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 15 hours

Bred with
Breed Time: 1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 52 minutes, 30 seconds


Bone Island

Bone Island

Amber Island

Amber Island

Mystery Likes

Amber Island

Monstros que gostam

Island Name

Requisitos do ovo

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Consumo de ovos

Countless accounts in Monster history describe sightings of strange sea creatures - no, we're not talking about Glubbers! In fact, many describe the Thrumble, oft mistaken for beasts of the deep. So just what happens when a Thrumble embraces its Watery side instead of trudging about the Earth for centuries? It adapts. Rare Thrumbles are built for hydrodynamics, with sleek fins that grant it increased grace and speed. To maintain peak performance and prevent accidental snagging of Ocean-dwelling vegetation, these Rares file their horns thrice daily.
Countless accounts in Monster history describe sightings of strange sea creatures - no, we're not talking about Glubbers! In fact, many describe the Thrumble, oft mistaken for beasts of the deep. So just what happens when a Thrumble embraces its Watery side instead of trudging about the Earth for centuries? It adapts. Rare Thrumbles are built for hydrodynamics, with sleek fins that grant it increased grace and speed. To maintain peak performance and prevent accidental snagging of Ocean-dwelling vegetation, these Rares file their horns thrice daily.

Todos os sons de Monstro
Ator de voz
Stephanie Richardson


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