
Breed Time:

12 hours


Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 7 | 3 | 2x2 | 200 Diamonds (Continent) | 430 Diamonds (Space) | 733 Coins | 20 hours | Level 10 (Space) | Armin
Zilla |

Combinações de reprodução
Começa com as melhores combinações a serem usadas e termina com as piores.
Potbelly & Stogg
Noggin & Flowah
Kayna & Shrubb
Best combination once obtained:
Repatillo & Noggin

Potbelly & Stogg

Noggin & Flowah

Kayna & Shrubb

Best combination once obtained:

Repatillo & Noggin

Usado na reprodução

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 28 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2
1. [Young]
Forever in the mood for some friendly competition, Repatillo pups like to test their strength in Monster arm-wrestling matches. When they are inevitably victorious, it's in the triumphant beating of their chest that they hone their musical calling.
2. [Adult]
Just because they are cold-blooded doesn't mean they are cold of heart! It's often said that a Repatillo hug can cheer up even the saddest monster. All those arms give quite the squeeze; and equally ideal for playing masterful compositions on their hard plates!
3. [Prismatic]
This Repatillo returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! What was once a predominantly reptilian body with single-toed claws has been replaced at the molecular level with a caprine countenance and hooved hands - extraordinary!
1. [Young]
Forever in the mood for some friendly competition, Repatillo pups like to test their strength in Monster arm-wrestling matches. When they are inevitably victorious, it's in the triumphant beating of their chest that they hone their musical calling.
2. [Adult]
Just because they are cold-blooded doesn't mean they are cold of heart! It's often said that a Repatillo hug can cheer up even the saddest monster. All those arms give quite the squeeze; and equally ideal for playing masterful compositions on their hard plates!
3. [Prismatic]
This Repatillo returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! What was once a predominantly reptilian body with single-toed claws has been replaced at the molecular level with a caprine countenance and hooved hands - extraordinary!


Yellow (14 hours)
% chance

Green (20 hours)
% chance

Orange (15 hours)
% chance

Red (16 hours)
% chance

Purple (18 hours)
% chance

Blue (19 hours)
% chance

Todos os sons de Monstro
Ator de voz
Electronic Drums
Loop Manufacturer: Cubase
Loopset: LoopMash
Loop: Doodling Drums


Repatillo (Season of Love Junior exclusive)

