
Breed Time:

8 hours


Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 9 | 2 | 2x2 | 120 Diamonds (Continent) | 440 Diamonds (Cloud) | 503 Coins | 10 hours | Level 15 (Cloud) | Aric
Willy |

Combinações de reprodução
Começa com as melhores combinações a serem usadas e termina com as piores.
Tweedle & Mammott

Tweedle & Mammott

Usado na reprodução

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 25 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours
Breed Time 2
1. [Young]
Like hot cocoa, ear-flap hats, and woolen onesies, the roly-poly Pango is a heartwarming sight on a bone-chilling day. Though it flaps its limbs and strains its neck to fly, a Pango hatchling remains hopelessly flightless and must take comfort in the gentle resonance of its own castanet-like chattering. Its beak is perpetually runny and remains so due to its inability to reach it with with its teensy wings.
2. [Adult]
One might expect a chilly reception from this cold-weather introvert, but as long as Pango feels included among its fellow monsters, a sunny disposition will shine through! A sensitive soul, the sharpness of its talons is in inverse proportion to its fragile self-esteem. Pangos are not known for their lower body strength and pretty much always skip leg day.
3. [Prismatic]
This Pango returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Even though its further body and frostbitten beak have been replaced at the molecular level by a wind-up tin toy form and long pecking bill, the fabric of the neckwear remained unaltered, albeit reconstituted from a scarf to a neckerchief - extraordinary!
1. [Young]
Like hot cocoa, ear-flap hats, and woolen onesies, the roly-poly Pango is a heartwarming sight on a bone-chilling day. Though it flaps its limbs and strains its neck to fly, a Pango hatchling remains hopelessly flightless and must take comfort in the gentle resonance of its own castanet-like chattering. Its beak is perpetually runny and remains so due to its inability to reach it with with its teensy wings.
2. [Adult]
One might expect a chilly reception from this cold-weather introvert, but as long as Pango feels included among its fellow monsters, a sunny disposition will shine through! A sensitive soul, the sharpness of its talons is in inverse proportion to its fragile self-esteem. Pangos are not known for their lower body strength and pretty much always skip leg day.
3. [Prismatic]
This Pango returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Even though its further body and frostbitten beak have been replaced at the molecular level by a wind-up tin toy form and long pecking bill, the fabric of the neckwear remained unaltered, albeit reconstituted from a scarf to a neckerchief - extraordinary!


Yellow (12 hours)
30% chance

Red (19 hours)
2% chance

Green (14 hours)
25% chance

Blue (15 hours)
20% chance

Purple (17 hours)
15% chance

Orange (18 hours)
8% chance

Todos os sons de Monstro
Ator de voz
Sampling pack: Soundscan Volume 15 - Acoustic Percussions
Path: Partition A > 10-CASTANETS
Program: 10-CASTANETS


Pango (SummerSong Junior exclusive)

