


Level 10

Thumpies Totem, Too

Size | Level Available | Price | XP Gain | Type |
2x2 | Level 10 | 200 starpower | 15,000 XP | StarShop |
The magic of the trees that connects the realm of Thingia with the Thumpieverse is also at the root of their shared relationship with the Monster World. That's how we end up with artifacts like this other Thumpies Totem, which tumbled across dimensions to arrive here. While prior incarnations featured other Thumpies, this one celebrates iziT, TawooO, and Anyanka.
The magic of the trees that connects the realm of Thingia with the Thumpieverse is also at the root of their shared relationship with the Monster World. That's how we end up with artifacts like this other Thumpies Totem, which tumbled across dimensions to arrive here. While prior incarnations featured other Thumpies, this one celebrates iziT, TawooO, and Anyanka.

Monstros que gostam

Bone Island

Psychic Island

Light Island

Faerie Island