
Rare (Natural)

Breed Time:

8 hours
Enhanced Breed Time:

6 hours

Rare Kayna

Icon | Crucible Evolution Time Success | Crucible Evolution Time Failure | Crucible Evolution Time Skin Boost Success | Crucible Evolution Time Skin Boost Failure | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Price | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
8 hours | 3 hours, 30 minutes | 7 hours, 12 minutes | 3 hours, 9 minutes | Level 9 | 1 | 2x2 | 150 diamonds | 112,500 coins | 1,000 XP | Ansestora
Tribahlla |

Breeding Combinations
Starts with the best combinations to use and ends with the worst.
Any 3 element monsters containing the element Fire can be used to breed Rare Kayna, best combinations are shown first beneath each island for highest chances.
Fire Haven:
Barrb & Repatillo
Floogull & Barrb
Floogull & Repatillo
Fire Oasis:
Woolabee & Wynq
Whaddle & Wynq
Whaddle & Woolabee
Light Island:
TooToo & Fiddlement
Sooza & TooToo
Sooza & Fiddlement
Psychic Island:
Rooba & Periscorp
Rootitoot & Rooba
Rootitoot & Periscorp
Faerie Island:
Bridg-It & Clavi Gnat
Ziggurab & Bridg-It
Ziggurab & Clavi Gnat
Bone Island:
Uuduk & Banjaw
Thrumble & Uuduk
Thrumble & Banjaw

Any 3 element monsters containing the element Fire can be used to breed Rare Kayna, best combinations are shown first beneath each island for highest chances.

Fire Haven:

Barrb & Repatillo

Floogull & Barrb

Floogull & Repatillo

Fire Oasis:

Woolabee & Wynq

Whaddle & Wynq

Whaddle & Woolabee

Light Island:

TooToo & Fiddlement

Sooza & TooToo

Sooza & Fiddlement

Psychic Island:

Rooba & Periscorp

Rootitoot & Rooba

Rootitoot & Periscorp

Faerie Island:

Bridg-It & Clavi Gnat

Ziggurab & Bridg-It

Ziggurab & Clavi Gnat

Bone Island:

Uuduk & Banjaw

Thrumble & Uuduk

Thrumble & Banjaw

Used In Breeding

Bred with
Breed Time: 7 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 5 hours, 15 minutes


Fire Haven, Light Island, Psychic Island

Fire Haven, Fire Oasis

Amber Island

Fire Haven, Faerie Island, Bone Island

Amber Island

Fire Oasis, Psychic Island, Bone Island

Fire Oasis, Light Island, Faerie Island

Mystery Likes

Fire Haven

Bone Island

Fire Oasis

Amber Island

Light Island

Psychic Island

Faerie Island

Monsters Who Like It

Island Name

Egg Requirements

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Egg Consumption

Bearers of the oldest Element of all, Rare Kaynas are an ancient breed from which all their Common cousins have sprung. Their Intricate, Tattoo-like carvings are bestowed upon them with great honor to represent their impressive age and crowing wisdom, eon after eon; you can imagine that the oldest Rare Kaynas are quite a sight! Yet no matter how old the original Fire Rare gets, the burning glow of the Fire element never dims.
Bearers of the oldest Element of all, Rare Kaynas are an ancient breed from which all their Common cousins have sprung. Their Intricate, Tattoo-like carvings are bestowed upon them with great honor to represent their impressive age and crowing wisdom, eon after eon; you can imagine that the oldest Rare Kaynas are quite a sight! Yet no matter how old the original Fire Rare gets, the burning glow of the Fire element never dims.

All Monster Sounds
Voice Actor
Sarah Parsons


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