
Breed Time:

5 hours
Enhanced Breed Time:

3 hours, 45 minutes


Icon | Orb Incubation Time (Nexus) | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Monster Family | A Group Of This Monster Is Called | Price | Price 2 | Nexus Transposition Price | Sells For | Sells For 2 | Xp Gain | Default Names |
23 hours | Level 9 | 1 | 1x1 | Clavaclade | Osstentation | 25,000 coins | 325 diamonds (Magical Sanctum) | 1,000,000 Coins | 18,750 coins | 10 shards (Sanctum) | 1,000 XP | Bonard
Scapularry |

Breeding Combinations
Starts with the best combinations to use and ends with the worst.
Clackula has no specific breeding combination and is bought through the market. Breeding Clackula with any monster other than a Single Elemental will work for breeding Clackula. Using 4 elementals and Clackula has higher breeding success however, these combinations include:
Plinkajou & Clackula
Enchantling & Clackula
Best combo, when common and Rare monster obtained:
Clackula & Rare Clackula

Clackula has no specific breeding combination and is bought through the market. Breeding Clackula with any monster other than a Single Elemental will work for breeding Clackula. Using 4 elementals and Clackula has higher breeding success however, these combinations include:

Plinkajou & Clackula

Enchantling & Clackula

Best combo, when common and Rare monster obtained:

Clackula & Rare Clackula

Used In Breeding

Bred with

Breed Time: 5 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 3 hours, 45 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 5 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 3 hours, 45 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 9 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 6 hours, 45 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 20 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 15 hours

Bred with

Breed Time: 20 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 15 hours

Bred with

Breed Time: 16 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 12 hours

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 6 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 22 hours, 30 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 6 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 22 hours, 30 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 2 days, 2 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 1 day, 13 hours, 30 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 9 hours, 22 minutes, 30 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 23 hours, 55 minutes, 25 seconds
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 8 minutes, 20 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 52 minutes, 30 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 1 hour, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 7 minutes, 30 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 1 hour, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 7 minutes, 30 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 7 hours, 45 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 23 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 5 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 3 hours, 45 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 9 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 6 hours, 45 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 9 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 6 hours, 45 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 20 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 15 hours

Bred with

Breed Time: 16 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 12 hours

Bred with

Breed Time: 16 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 12 hours

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 6 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 22 hours, 30 minutes

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 8 hours
Enhanced Breed Time: 1 day

Bred with

Breed Time: 22 hours, 11 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 16 hours, 38 minutes, 15 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 12 hours, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 9 hours, 22 minutes, 30 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 23 hours, 55 minutes, 25 seconds
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 8 minutes, 20 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 52 minutes, 30 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 1 hour, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 19 hours, 7 minutes, 30 seconds

Bred with

Breed Time: 1 day, 13 hours, 30 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 1 day, 4 hours, 7 minutes, 30 seconds


Bone Island

Magical Sanctum

Mystery Likes

Monsters Who Like It

Bone Island

Bone Island

Bone Island

Bone Island

Egg Requirements

Loading x
Loading name

Egg Consumption

x5 eggs
Dapper Clackula doesn't have a mouth of its own with which to chitter-chatter about its many cultured interests, so the Bone Elemental leaves all the yammering to its loquacious little hands. If only they'd behave! When the lanky gentle-Mon's appendages get too snippy with dinner guests, it delivers the quickest of pin-point pinches to each chatterbox with its dainty fangs. While not enough to cause any pain, it's certainly enough to send a message: keep it classy!
Dapper Clackula doesn't have a mouth of its own with which to chitter-chatter about its many cultured interests, so the Bone Elemental leaves all the yammering to its loquacious little hands. If only they'd behave! When the lanky gentle-Mon's appendages get too snippy with dinner guests, it delivers the quickest of pin-point pinches to each chatterbox with its dainty fangs. While not enough to cause any pain, it's certainly enough to send a message: keep it classy!

All Monster Sounds
Voice Actor
Rhythm Bone
Sound library: EastWest Stormdrum 3
Path: Metals
SoundFont: Dragon Chasers


Charming Charro (Beat Hereafter Exclusive)
20 Diamonds

