
Breed Time:

24 hours


Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Size 2 | Price | Price 2 | Price 3 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Teleport level 2 | Default Monster Names |
Level 9 | 4 | 2x2 (Young) | 3x3 (Adult) | 600 Diamonds (Continent) | 1,070 Diamonds (Space) | 1,910 Diamonds (Cloud) | 1,463 Coins | 40 hours | Level 10 (Space) | Level 15 (Cloud) | Gnostril
Snawt Spring
Zilex |

Breeding Combinations
Starts with the best combinations to use and ends with the worst.
Kayna & Congle
Mammott & Whaddle
Toe Jammer & Woolabee
Tweedle & Wynq
Best combination once obtained:
Sneyser & Kayna

Kayna & Congle

Mammott & Whaddle

Toe Jammer & Woolabee

Tweedle & Wynq

Best combination once obtained:

Sneyser & Kayna

Used In Breeding

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2
Ticklish toes and the most ridiculous nose: that's the Sneyser for you! Not unlike most younglings, the juvenile Sneyser is prone to all manner of seepage--particularly the nasal variety. Trust us: you don't want to be nearby when it sneezes. Pro tip: wear a rain slicker, just in case.
Oozing charm and effluvium, the adult Sneyser provides harmonic and rhythmic support to its monster bandmates. By maintaining a low profile--literally--it uses the ground and its own topology to amplify its driving bassline, ensuring everyone feels the reverb in their toes (or their lower appendages). The Sneyser is a tad sensitive about its underbite: best not mention it.
This Sneyser returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Unlike a fellow Quad whose Prismatic alteration heightened their connection to the Fire Element, this Monster discarded its trademark dorsal geyser pool and instead replaced it with a series of ostentatious display pieces ranging from horns to teeth to even wandering eyes - extraordinary!
1: [Young]
Ticklish toes and the most ridiculous nose: that's the Sneyser for you! Not unlike most younglings, the juvenile Sneyser is prone to all manner of seepage--particularly the nasal variety. Trust us: you don't want to be nearby when it sneezes. Pro tip: wear a rain slicker, just in case.
2: [Adult]
Oozing charm and effluvium, the adult Sneyser provides harmonic and rhythmic support to its monster bandmates. By maintaining a low profile--literally--it uses the ground and its own topology to amplify its driving bassline, ensuring everyone feels the reverb in their toes (or their lower appendages). The Sneyser is a tad sensitive about its underbite: best not mention it.
3: [Prismatic]
This Sneyser returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Unlike a fellow Quad whose Prismatic alteration heightened their connection to the Fire Element, this Monster discarded its trademark dorsal geyser pool and instead replaced it with a series of ostentatious display pieces ranging from horns to teeth to even wandering eyes - extraordinary!


Blue (16 hours)
30% chance

Green (22 hours)
2% chance

Red (17 hours)
25% chance

Yellow (18 hours)
20% chance

Orange (20 hours)
15% chance

Purple (21 hours)
8% chance

All Monster Sounds
Voice Actor
Synth/Electric Bass
Continent and Cloud Island
SoundFont: Creeper Bass
Space Island
SoundFont: Studio Finger Bass


Sneyser (Season of Love Junior exclusive)

