

🌲 A World of Things: Thingia
Thingia is an ancient dimension from the Fling a Thing! game. It’s home to the mysterious Things and squid-like creatures that live in its strange and surreal landscapes. Thingia is one of the oldest dimensions in the Big Blue Bubble multiverse, even older than the Monster World itself, alongside the Thumpieverse.
🌳 The Tall Tree of Thingia
A key landmark in Thingia is the Tall Tree, a giant seedling from the Stablo Mjehurića, the World Tree. The Tall Tree links Thingia to the multiverse, connecting it to other realms that are part of the Stablo Mjehurića’s network, making it a crucial part of Thingia’s lore.
🏔️ Locations
Thingia is made up of several distinct areas, each with its own features:
• The Shard Mountains: A mountain range where creatures from various universes are preserved in amber, held for eternity.
• The Underneath: A hidden, mysterious realm beneath the surface of Thingia, filled with secrets and potential dangers.
• The Tall Tree: A massive tree central to Thingia’s world, connected to the World Tree, the Stablo Mjehurića.
🌌 Interdimensional Connections
Thingia is deeply connected to other realms. Epic Scups, for example, traveled to Thingia on an expedition with Flutter, who knows how to move between Thingia and the Monster World. The crystals that make up Rare Quarrister also come from Thingia, the Thumpieverse, and other multiversal dimensions.
🌀 The Amber of Thingia
Amber holds a significant place in Thingia’s lore. In the Shard Mountains, it encases creatures from other worlds. Decorations like the Ambered Thing and Freed Thing reflect this amber’s power, which comes from the Stablo Mjehurića, and ties Thingia to the greater multiverse.
1: [🌲 A World of Things: Thingia]
Thingia is an ancient dimension from the Fling a Thing! game. It’s home to the mysterious Things and squid-like creatures that live in its strange and surreal landscapes. Thingia is one of the oldest dimensions in the Big Blue Bubble multiverse, even older than the Monster World itself, alongside the Thumpieverse.
2: [🌳 The Tall Tree of Thingia]
A key landmark in Thingia is the Tall Tree, a giant seedling from the Stablo Mjehurića, the World Tree. The Tall Tree links Thingia to the multiverse, connecting it to other realms that are part of the Stablo Mjehurića’s network, making it a crucial part of Thingia’s lore.
3: [🏔️ Locations]
Thingia is made up of several distinct areas, each with its own features:
• The Shard Mountains: A mountain range where creatures from various universes are preserved in amber, held for eternity.
• The Underneath: A hidden, mysterious realm beneath the surface of Thingia, filled with secrets and potential dangers.
• The Tall Tree: A massive tree central to Thingia’s world, connected to the World Tree, the Stablo Mjehurića.
4: [🌌 Interdimensional Connections]
Thingia is deeply connected to other realms. Epic Scups, for example, traveled to Thingia on an expedition with Flutter, who knows how to move between Thingia and the Monster World. The crystals that make up Rare Quarrister also come from Thingia, the Thumpieverse, and other multiversal dimensions.
5: [🌀 The Amber of Thingia]
Amber holds a significant place in Thingia’s lore. In the Shard Mountains, it encases creatures from other worlds. Decorations like the Ambered Thing and Freed Thing reflect this amber’s power, which comes from the Stablo Mjehurića, and ties Thingia to the greater multiverse.







Tall Tree - Boss


Shard Mountains - Boss


The Underneath - Boss