


Level 9

Armillary Sphere

Size | Level Available | Sells for | Sells for 2 | Price | XP Gain | Type | Seasonal Event available in |
3x3 | Level 9 | 5,500 coins | 11 shards | 50 diamonds | 15,000 XP | Seasonal | Perplexplore |
Finally, a working model of the toroidal Monster World has been created! The moon's orbit passing through the center of the torus is achieved with the help of the various compages that encircle the planet, and the last recorded position of each of the islands of the main dimension has been illustrated in detail. A scientific achievement of epic proportions.
Finally, a working model of the toroidal Monster World has been created! The moon's orbit passing through the center of the torus is achieved with the help of the various compages that encircle the planet, and the last recorded position of each of the islands of the main dimension has been illustrated in detail. A scientific achievement of epic proportions.
