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Rare Egg 8






Level Required
Level 19



01 - Refined Synthesizer

10,000 Shards


02 - Hyper-Refined Synthesizer

20,000 Shards


03 - Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer

30,000 Shards


04 - Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined-Synthesizer

40,000 Shards


05 - Ultra-Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer

50,000 Shards




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Synthesizer 01

Combining Ethereal Elements in groupings greater than two is understood to be incredibly unstable. The unique conditions of the Workshop make it the only place in the Monster World where such risky maneuvers are attempted, and that's mostly to do with the presence of the Synthesizer. The 'mad science' of the Workshop reaches its zenith with this living Structure, which is responsible for stabilizing the Elemental energies from attuned Meebs into the coalesced eggs of new Ethereal hybrids. Taking care not to harm the Meebs is delicate work, and because each Element imparts a different amount of instability, certain combinations are still too unstable for the Synthesizer to withstand. Future upgrades must be considered to expand the Workshop family further.

Synthesizer 02 - Refined

The Refined Synthesizer has been upgraded from the base form to accommodate for the instability present in more advanced Triple combinations, and can even manage the least unstable Quad-Element configuration (albeit with some difficulty). The payoff is this advanced Synthesis process requires an already-coalesced form to build upon, so a Triple-Element Ethereal must be prepared to undergo the transformation of a lifetime to accomplish it. That, and more Attuned Meebs and Shards are needed than ever before. But no matter - in the name of science, progress cannot be halted and innovation never curtailed! Onward!

Synthesizer 03 - Hyper-Refined

As the Synthesizer continues to undergo refinements that allow for increasingly unstable Ethereal Elemental combinations to be formed, the living Structure itself appears to be changing as well. The 'hose' that connects the tumbling Meebs has lengthened to accommodate greater energy demands, and the glow from the central chamber seems to have shifted in hue as well. Most notably, the modest bulb near the top that began as a container for some mysterious chemical agent has swelled to a more impressive size, and now houses… something else.

Synthesizer 04 - Super-Hyper-Refined

Refinements continue to reshape the Synthesizer as we know it. Perhaps owing to the increased strain of targeting more and more unstable Element combinations, the Synthesizer now has a protective 'door' across the main aperture to protect from radiation. The bulb up top has further expanded in size to accommodate the mysterious organism within, and a warmer, more vital color is beginning to seep outwards from it into the criss-crossing stems on the Structure's exterior. The color of these living stems matches the 'trees' that dot the landscape of the Workshop, definitively highlighting the Synthesis process's reliance on all things organic to achieve greater stability.

Synthesizer 05 - Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined

Refinements continue to shape the Synthesizer as we know it. Perhaps owing to increased strain of targeting more and more unstable Element combinations, the Synthesizer now has a protective 'door' across the main aperture to protect from radiation. The bulb up top has further expanded to accommodate a mysterious organism within, and a warmer, more vital color is beginning to seep outwards from it into the criss-crossing stems on the Structure's exterior. The color of these living stems matches the 'trees' that dot the landscape of the Workshop, definitively highlighting the Synthesis process's reliance on all things organic to achieve greater stability.

Synthesizer 06 - Ultra-Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined

Refinement: complete! With these finishing touches to the Ultra-Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer, the most unstable Elemental combinations known to the Workshop are within reach. But the budding blooms atop its winding branches aren't the only life form growing strong... the mysterious organism lurking within the upper bulb has continued to harvest nourishment from the expanding orchestra of the Workshop. Will we ever come to know its true nature?

1: [Synthesizer 01]
Combining Ethereal Elements in groupings greater than two is understood to be incredibly unstable. The unique conditions of the Workshop make it the only place in the Monster World where such risky maneuvers are attempted, and that's mostly to do with the presence of the Synthesizer. The 'mad science' of the Workshop reaches its zenith with this living Structure, which is responsible for stabilizing the Elemental energies from attuned Meebs into the coalesced eggs of new Ethereal hybrids. Taking care not to harm the Meebs is delicate work, and because each Element imparts a different amount of instability, certain combinations are still too unstable for the Synthesizer to withstand. Future upgrades must be considered to expand the Workshop family further.
2: [Synthesizer 02 - Refined]
The Refined Synthesizer has been upgraded from the base form to accommodate for the instability present in more advanced Triple combinations, and can even manage the least unstable Quad-Element configuration (albeit with some difficulty). The payoff is this advanced Synthesis process requires an already-coalesced form to build upon, so a Triple-Element Ethereal must be prepared to undergo the transformation of a lifetime to accomplish it. That, and more Attuned Meebs and Shards are needed than ever before. But no matter - in the name of science, progress cannot be halted and innovation never curtailed! Onward!
3: [Synthesizer 03 - Hyper-Refined]
As the Synthesizer continues to undergo refinements that allow for increasingly unstable Ethereal Elemental combinations to be formed, the living Structure itself appears to be changing as well. The 'hose' that connects the tumbling Meebs has lengthened to accommodate greater energy demands, and the glow from the central chamber seems to have shifted in hue as well. Most notably, the modest bulb near the top that began as a container for some mysterious chemical agent has swelled to a more impressive size, and now houses… something else.
4: [Synthesizer 04 - Super-Hyper-Refined]
Refinements continue to reshape the Synthesizer as we know it. Perhaps owing to the increased strain of targeting more and more unstable Element combinations, the Synthesizer now has a protective 'door' across the main aperture to protect from radiation. The bulb up top has further expanded in size to accommodate the mysterious organism within, and a warmer, more vital color is beginning to seep outwards from it into the criss-crossing stems on the Structure's exterior. The color of these living stems matches the 'trees' that dot the landscape of the Workshop, definitively highlighting the Synthesis process's reliance on all things organic to achieve greater stability.
5: [Synthesizer 05 - Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined]
Refinements continue to shape the Synthesizer as we know it. Perhaps owing to increased strain of targeting more and more unstable Element combinations, the Synthesizer now has a protective 'door' across the main aperture to protect from radiation. The bulb up top has further expanded to accommodate a mysterious organism within, and a warmer, more vital color is beginning to seep outwards from it into the criss-crossing stems on the Structure's exterior. The color of these living stems matches the 'trees' that dot the landscape of the Workshop, definitively highlighting the Synthesis process's reliance on all things organic to achieve greater stability.
6: [Synthesizer 06 - Ultra-Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined]
Refinement: complete! With these finishing touches to the Ultra-Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer, the most unstable Elemental combinations known to the Workshop are within reach. But the budding blooms atop its winding branches aren't the only life form growing strong... the mysterious organism lurking within the upper bulb has continued to harvest nourishment from the expanding orchestra of the Workshop. Will we ever come to know its true nature?

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