.Icon | Synthesis Time (Workshop) | Failed Synthesis Time (Workshop) | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Price | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
1 day, 6 hours | 10 hours | Level 19 | 15 | 2x2 | 2,400 diamonds | 425 shards | 425,000 XP | An & Vil
Baernum & Bahylep
Behl & O'nox
Ekwel & Abrum
Feelipe & Feetite
Hawk & Cliff
Knie & Evel
Matt & Shawn
Me & Mes
Tetowh & Gaowhna
Thom & Thub
Wahl & Daas
Xee & Xaw
Zaah & Zael |
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Caricamento Bio
Teeter-Tauter is an unusually unstable pair, even when compared to its synthetic siblings who slink about the Workshop. Its chaotic Elemental power necessitated its split into two separate beings that together form one lovably lopsided Ethereal - made complete with some minor 'Mech-nical' enhancements! While the bipedal Teeter's acrobatic prowess is undeniable, its tireless tittering tends to teeter toward tedious in the eye of its more responsible half, Tauter.
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