
Level 9

Fire Haven

Magical Sanctum

Island Species | Type | BPM | Island Icon | Level Available | Requires | Cost |
Titan (Enchantler) | Teleporting Island | 90 BPM | Level 9 | Fire Haven | Free |

Full Song
Composed by
Sam Clark,
Tom Meikle (Carillong)
Current Bio
Few are brave enough to explore the dark nooks and crannies of the pocket dimension... but if you are, there you'll find the majestic Magical Sanctum. Standing in the center of a grove of alien trees stretching into the sky is a mysterious Titan whose name was originally lost to history, but which was later revealed to be Enchantler. It aspired to transcend and become a Colossal, but when it proved impossible, it fled and found a way to the pocket dimension. There, atop its pate and formidable antlers coursing with Monstromantic energies, Enchantler founded a sacred place for Magical Monsters to truly feel at home and perform a solemn hymnody to a place all their own in the Monster World.
Original Bio
Few are brave enough to explore the dark nooks and crannies of the pocket dimension... but if you are, there you'll find the majestic Magical Sanctum. Standing in the center of a grove of alien trees stretching into the sky is a mysterious Titan whose name has been lost to history. It aspired to become a Colossal, but when it proved impossible, it fled and found a way to the pocket dimension. There, atop its pate and formidable antlers coursing with Monstromantic energies, it founded a sacred place for Magical Monsters to truly feel at home and perform a solemn hymnody to a place all their own in the Monster World.
1: [Current Bio] Few are brave enough to explore the dark nooks and crannies of the pocket dimension... but if you are, there you'll find the majestic Magical Sanctum. Standing in the center of a grove of alien trees stretching into the sky is a mysterious Titan whose name was originally lost to history, but which was later revealed to be Enchantler. It aspired to transcend and become a Colossal, but when it proved impossible, it fled and found a way to the pocket dimension. There, atop its pate and formidable antlers coursing with Monstromantic energies, Enchantler founded a sacred place for Magical Monsters to truly feel at home and perform a solemn hymnody to a place all their own in the Monster World.
2: [Original Bio] Few are brave enough to explore the dark nooks and crannies of the pocket dimension... but if you are, there you'll find the majestic Magical Sanctum. Standing in the center of a grove of alien trees stretching into the sky is a mysterious Titan whose name has been lost to history. It aspired to become a Colossal, but when it proved impossible, it fled and found a way to the pocket dimension. There, atop its pate and formidable antlers coursing with Monstromantic energies, it founded a sacred place for Magical Monsters to truly feel at home and perform a solemn hymnody to a place all their own in the Monster World.


Small Tree (2 Shards)
750 XP, 1 hour

Medium Rock (64 Shards)
32,500 XP, 14 hours

Medium Tree (12 Shards)
6,250 XP, 6 hours

Big Rock (128 Shards)
62,500 XP, 18 hours

Big Tree (24 Shards)
12,500 XP, 10 hours

Small Rock (4 Shards)
1,750 XP, 3 hours


