
Rare (Natural)
Breed Time:

6 hours
Enhanced Breed Time:

4 hours, 30 minutes

Rare Noggin

Icon | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | Price | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
Level 4 | 1 | 2x2 | 75 diamonds | 56,250 coins | 150 XP | Aakee
Zerkzeez |

Combinaciones de cría
Comienza con las mejores combinaciones para usar y termina con las peores.
Any 3 element monsters containing the element Earth can be used to breed Rare Noggin, best combinations are shown first beneath each island for highest chances.
Plant Island:
T-Rox & Clamble
T-Rox & Pummel
Clamble & Pummel
Air Island:
T-Rox & PomPom
T-Rox & Scups
PomPom & Scups
Water Island:
Reedling & Pummel
Reedling & Scups
Pummel & Scups
Earth Island:
Clamble & PomPom
Reedling & PomPom
Reedling & Clamble
Fire Haven:
Reedling & Floogull
Reedling & Repatillo
Floogull & Repatillo
Faerie Island:
Cantorell & Bridg-It
Ziggurab & Cantorell
Ziggurab & Bridg-It
Bone Island:
Withur & Uuduk
Thrumble & Withur
Thrumble & Uuduk

Any 3 element monsters containing the element Earth can be used to breed Rare Noggin, best combinations are shown first beneath each island for highest chances.

Plant Island:

T-Rox & Clamble

T-Rox & Pummel

Clamble & Pummel

Air Island:

T-Rox & PomPom

T-Rox & Scups

PomPom & Scups

Water Island:

Reedling & Pummel

Reedling & Scups

Pummel & Scups

Earth Island:

Clamble & PomPom

Reedling & PomPom

Reedling & Clamble

Fire Haven:

Reedling & Floogull

Reedling & Repatillo

Floogull & Repatillo

Faerie Island:

Cantorell & Bridg-It

Ziggurab & Cantorell

Ziggurab & Bridg-It

Bone Island:

Withur & Uuduk

Thrumble & Withur

Thrumble & Uuduk

Utilizado en la cría

Bred with
Breed Time: 5 seconds
Enhanced Breed Time: 3 seconds


Air Island, Water Island, Earth Island, Fire Haven

Fire Haven, Faerie Island, Bone Island

Plant Island, Water Island, Earth Island, Fire Haven

Plant Island, Air Island, Water Island, Bone Island

Plant Island, Air Island, Earth Island, Faerie Island

Me gusta el misterio

Plant Island, Air Island, Earth Island

Water Island

Fire Haven

Faerie Island

Bone Island

Monstruos a los que les gusta

Nombre de la isla

Requisitos para los huevos

Cargando x
Cargando nombre

Consumo de huevos

x3 eggs

x4 eggs

x3 eggs
After scouring the World for what felt like forever, the Rare Noggin has been unearthed. Not satisfied with a simple existence as a musical rock, this capricious creature reinvented itself as the building block of an exotic edifice. Because of their limited maneuverability, it's unclear whether a group of Rare Noggins could ever actually cooperate to build anything... perhaps a more down-to-Earth goal would be to just keep the rhythm for its fellow monsters.
After scouring the World for what felt like forever, the Rare Noggin has been unearthed. Not satisfied with a simple existence as a musical rock, this capricious creature reinvented itself as the building block of an exotic edifice. Because of their limited maneuverability, it's unclear whether a group of Rare Noggins could ever actually cooperate to build anything... perhaps a more down-to-Earth goal would be to just keep the rhythm for its fellow monsters.

Todos los sonidos de monstruos
Actor de doblaje
Cajon/Bongos/Timbales/Congas/Doholla/Djembe/Bass drum (Earth Island only)
Half of Plant Island, half of Air Island, Water Island, and Gold Island
Sampling pack: Soundscan Volume 15 - Acoustic Percussions
Path: Partition A > 21-DJEMBE
Program: DJEMBE
Half of both Plant Island and Air Island
Sampling pack: Soundscan Volume 15 - Acoustic Percussions
Path: Partition A > 09-CAJON
Program: CAJON A
Earth Island
VST: HALion 6
Sound library: HALion Sonic Factory
SoundFont: Standard Dry Kit
Fire Haven
VST: Kontakt
Sound library: West Africa
SoundFont: Djembe 1
Tribal Island
Loop Manufacturer: Cubase
Loopset: LoopMash
Loop: 34_duhalla
First instrument on Faerie and Bone Island
VST: Kontakt
Sound library: West Africa
SoundFont: Djembe 7


Rock and Dice Roll (Spooktacle exclusive)
25 diamonds

