
Rare (Seasonal)

Breed Time:

1 day, 7 hours, 45 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time:

23 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds

Rare Ffidyll

Icon | Level Available | Beds taken | Size | A Group Of This Monster Is Called | Price | Price 2 | Sells For | Xp Gain | Default Names |
Level 9 | 1 | 2x2 | Cèilidh | 500 diamonds | 625 diamonds (Seasonal Shanty) | 375,000 coins | 110,000 XP | Bacmeth
Umbrins |

Combinaciones de cría
Comienza con las mejores combinaciones para usar y termina con las peores.
Faerie Island: Pladdie & Floot Fly
Seasonal Shanty:
Ffidyll & Monculus
Ffidyll & Spurrit
Ffidyll & Clavavera
Ffidyll & Boo'qwurm
Ffidyll & Viveine
Ffidyll & Carillong
Ffidyll & Whiz-Bang
Ffidyll & Jam Boree
Schmoochle & Blabbit
Best combo on Shanty, when common and Rare monster obtained:
Ffidyll & Rare Ffidyll

Faerie Island: Pladdie & Floot Fly

Seasonal Shanty:

Ffidyll & Monculus

Ffidyll & Spurrit

Ffidyll & Clavavera

Ffidyll & Boo'qwurm

Ffidyll & Viveine

Ffidyll & Carillong

Ffidyll & Whiz-Bang

Ffidyll & Jam Boree

Schmoochle & Blabbit

Best combo on Shanty, when common and Rare monster obtained:

Ffidyll & Rare Ffidyll

Utilizado en la cría

Bred with
Breed Time: 22 hours, 44 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 17 hours, 3 minutes

Bred with
Breed Time: 1 day, 7 hours, 45 minutes
Enhanced Breed Time: 23 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds


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Monsters are naturally superstitious creatures, and perhaps none moreso than the Rare Ffidyll. In a departure from the carefree, fun-loving disposition of its Common cousin, this Monster is on the skittish side, and constantly on the lookout for any bad luck that may befall it. It's also a believer in the power of 'opposites' holding sway over one's fortunes - so while it can be coaxed out of hiding during Cloverspell, the Rare Ffidyll is actually most at ease at the opposite end of the calendar around the autumnal equinox. ”
Monsters are naturally superstitious creatures, and perhaps none moreso than the Rare Ffidyll. In a departure from the carefree, fun-loving disposition of its Common cousin, this Monster is on the skittish side, and constantly on the lookout for any bad luck that may befall it. It's also a believer in the power of 'opposites' holding sway over one's fortunes - so while it can be coaxed out of hiding during Cloverspell, the Rare Ffidyll is actually most at ease at the opposite end of the calendar around the autumnal equinox. ”

Todos los sonidos de monstruos
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