
Breed Time:

24 hours


Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 7 | 4 | 2x2 | 600 Diamonds (Continent) | 630 Diamonds (Party) | 1,463 Coins | 40 hours | Level 5 (Party) | Daffozil
Vegetom |

Combinaciones de cría
Comienza con las mejores combinaciones para usar y termina con las peores.
Noggin & Rootitoot
Kayna & Pummel
Toe Jammer & Repatillo
Potbelly & Thrumble
Best combination once obtained:
Edamimi & Noggin

Noggin & Rootitoot

Kayna & Pummel

Toe Jammer & Repatillo

Potbelly & Thrumble

Best combination once obtained:

Edamimi & Noggin

Utilizado en la cría

Bred with

Breed Time: 24 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2
The Edamimi is a saucy-sweet sprig of jingly-jangly cheer. Swaying blithely to the music, it shakes its curlicue boughs to produce an effervescent 'shikka-shikka' sound. Beaning itself on its own noddle evokes a subtler, more sustained rattle - and elicits fits of laughter from observers as its eyes rollick about in its head. Naughty sprouts risk a good shelling if they get too boisterous and are often told to 'mind your peas and cukes.'
Percussionists are renowned for their well-developed forearms, but the Edamimi is not your garden-variety instrumentalist. Far from brawny, its forelimbs are delicate and twig-like, performing a balletic display that can only be described as ap-'pea-ling.' Its sound is light and bright, with a metallic clarity that plays in sharp contrast to its organic nature. A precocious rascal, the Edamimi likes to contemplate the havoc that might be wrought by a single, rogue garden pea. Pet peeves include garden tools, insufficient drainage, and extended droughts.
This Edamimi returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Its formerly fresh-faced, leguminous features have been altered at the molecular level to become a scarecrowy simulacrum, sporting flashy apparel and stuffed with straw - extraordinary!
1: [Young]
The Edamimi is a saucy-sweet sprig of jingly-jangly cheer. Swaying blithely to the music, it shakes its curlicue boughs to produce an effervescent 'shikka-shikka' sound. Beaning itself on its own noddle evokes a subtler, more sustained rattle - and elicits fits of laughter from observers as its eyes rollick about in its head. Naughty sprouts risk a good shelling if they get too boisterous and are often told to 'mind your peas and cukes.'
2: [Adult]
Percussionists are renowned for their well-developed forearms, but the Edamimi is not your garden-variety instrumentalist. Far from brawny, its forelimbs are delicate and twig-like, performing a balletic display that can only be described as ap-'pea-ling.' Its sound is light and bright, with a metallic clarity that plays in sharp contrast to its organic nature. A precocious rascal, the Edamimi likes to contemplate the havoc that might be wrought by a single, rogue garden pea. Pet peeves include garden tools, insufficient drainage, and extended droughts.
3: [Prismatic]
This Edamimi returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! Its formerly fresh-faced, leguminous features have been altered at the molecular level to become a scarecrowy simulacrum, sporting flashy apparel and stuffed with straw - extraordinary!


Red (16 hours)
30% chance

Yellow (22 hours)
2% chance

Purple (17 hours)
25% chance

Orange (18 hours)
20% chance

Green (20 hours)
15% chance

Blue (21 hours)
8% chance

Todos los sonidos de monstruos
Actor de doblaje
Sampled Recording


Edamimi (Eggs-Travaganza Junior exclusive)

