Mirror Psychic Island
Island Species | Type | BPM | Level Available | Requires | Cost |
Titan (Cruv'laapht) | Mirror Island | 130 BPM | Level 30 | Psychic Island | 800 Diamonds |
Canción completa
Composed by
Dave Kerr,
Christopher Pollard, Sam Clark (Magical Monsters, Dipsters),
Tom Meikle, Dylan Cole (Whiz-bang, Yelmut, Tiawa, Drummidary)
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After vanishing into the Prism Gate during the Dawn of Fire, the long-lost Outer Islands have finally been found - and they've crash landed in the Mirror timeline! The meteoric arrival of Space Island's central moon, Staggeron-IV, has upgraded the alternate Cruv'laapht's eye socket from cavity to crater. The Psychic Titan's spaceborne critters must also keep watch for cosmic debris, lest a rogue asteroid poke them in the, well, eye. But with millions of stellar bodies twinkling in the galaxies above, it's safe to say that Mirror Psychic Island is the perfect astral abode.
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