

Breed Time:

48 hours


Icon | Icon (Adult) | Level available | Beds | Size | Price | Price 2 | Sells for | Teleporting time | Teleport level | Default Monster Names |
Level 7 | 5 | 2x2 | 1,000 Diamonds (Continent) | 10,680 Diamonds (Cave) | 2,903 Coins | 80 hours | Level 20 (Cave) | Barklee
Stawkaa |

Fängt mit den besten Kombinationen an und endet mit den schlechtesten.
Incisaur & Noggin
Entbrat & Kayna
Edamimi & Mammott
PongPing & Toe Jammer
Tiawa & Potbelly
Best combination once obtained:
Gnarls & Noggin

Incisaur & Noggin

Entbrat & Kayna

Edamimi & Mammott

PongPing & Toe Jammer

Tiawa & Potbelly

Best combination once obtained:

Gnarls & Noggin

Verwendet in der Zucht

Bred with

Breed Time: 48 hours
Breed Time 2
Before they can grow into a mighty figure worthy of Quint status, Gnarls undergo an awkward pubescence where they must find themselves - quite literally! As parasitic vines that work together to control their arboreal host, a single bloom is simply too weak to achieve total motor control mastery. For this reason, budding Gnarls gather together in modest bushes to practice vine arts and find their partner in parasitism.
Once a mature Gnarls perfectly finds its perfectly parasitic counterpart, the two beings use their lengthy vines to swing branch-to-branch, stalactite-to-stalagmite to find a more 'spacious' host to call home. With its motor functions now under the control of its friendly new Gnarls, the tree host can finally uproot itself from its sedentary lifestyle and travel the world! The murmur of the breeze blowing through their tendrils provides a pleasant ambiance for Gnarls' vine-raising globetrotting expeditions.
These Gnarls returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! While the Gnarls' tree host was unaffected by the power of the Prism Gate, the parasitic Plant Monsters themselves were reconstituted and fused at the molecular level, resulting in some light (okay, moderate) scorching of the trunk. Fret not, for even in the face of its Fiery transformation, the tree will grow back stronger than ever - extraordinary!
1: [Young]
Before they can grow into a mighty figure worthy of Quint status, Gnarls undergo an awkward pubescence where they must find themselves - quite literally! As parasitic vines that work together to control their arboreal host, a single bloom is simply too weak to achieve total motor control mastery. For this reason, budding Gnarls gather together in modest bushes to practice vine arts and find their partner in parasitism.
2: [Adult]
Once a mature Gnarls perfectly finds its perfectly parasitic counterpart, the two beings use their lengthy vines to swing branch-to-branch, stalactite-to-stalagmite to find a more 'spacious' host to call home. With its motor functions now under the control of its friendly new Gnarls, the tree host can finally uproot itself from its sedentary lifestyle and travel the world! The murmur of the breeze blowing through their tendrils provides a pleasant ambiance for Gnarls' vine-raising globetrotting expeditions.
3: [Prismatic] These Gnarls returned from the Prism Gate forever changed! While the Gnarls' tree host was unaffected by the power of the Prism Gate, the parasitic Plant Monsters themselves were reconstituted and fused at the molecular level, resulting in some light (okay, moderate) scorching of the trunk. Fret not, for even in the face of its Fiery transformation, the tree will grow back stronger than ever - extraordinary!


Purple (18 hours)
30% chance

Blue (24 hours)
2% chance

Red (19 hours)
25% chance

Orange (20 hours)
20% chance

Yellow (22 hours)
15% chance

Green (23 hours)
8% chance

Alle Monster Sounds
Tyson McGavin, Jenn Iannessa, and Charlie Conlon


Gnarls (Festival of Yay Junior exclusive)

