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Level 9

Pot of Enchanted Coins

Size | Level Available | Sells for | Sells for 2 | Price | Price 2 | XP Gain | Type | Seasonal Event available in |
2x2 | Level 9 | 1,875,000 coins | 3,750 shards | 2,500,000 coins | 5,000 shards | 15,000 XP | Seasonal | Cloverspell |
At the rainbow's end, you'll occasionally find a pot like this one. Make no mistake - these are not the same Coins that are in circulation elsewhere in the Monster World. These are enchanted pieces that tantalize passerby but which dematerialize when they are removed from the pot.
At the rainbow's end, you'll occasionally find a pot like this one. Make no mistake - these are not the same Coins that are in circulation elsewhere in the Monster World. These are enchanted pieces that tantalize passerby but which dematerialize when they are removed from the pot.

Monster, die es mögen

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