


Level 9

Brain Teaser Tome

Size | Level Available | Sells for | Sells for 2 | Price | Price 2 | XP Gain | Type | Seasonal Event available in |
2x2 | Level 9 | 937,500 coins | 1,875 shards | 1,250,000 coins | 2,500 shards | 15,000 XP | Seasonal | MindBoggle |
No Monster knows for certain what will transpire once the final puzzle in the Brain Teaser Tome is solved. Will the puzzler be showered in a rain of Diamonds, or stuffed with all the Cakes they can eat? Shockingly, the deep, dark truth is even more mindboggling: there is, in fact, no end to its puzzles. When one teaser is completed, a new page quietly appears.
No Monster knows for certain what will transpire once the final puzzle in the Brain Teaser Tome is solved. Will the puzzler be showered in a rain of Diamonds, or stuffed with all the Cakes they can eat? Shockingly, the deep, dark truth is even more mindboggling: there is, in fact, no end to its puzzles. When one teaser is completed, a new page quietly appears.

Monster, die es mögen